$GOGE is the MOST UNIQUE project ever made in the history of Blockchain, Crypto, Defi, DAOs, NFTs, Micro-nations and the Metaverse!

$GOGE ⭐️DogeGaySon
15 min readOct 18, 2022


$Goge logo created by Cecy Meade

GOGE ($GOGE) is the most unique project ever created in the history of blockchain technology, being the first LGBTQIA+ token GOGE truly has no competitors like it, a complete original, a perfectly created and extremely needed anomaly in the space.

Goge is many things, a memecoin, a movement, a symbol of LGBTQIA+ equality, a micro-nation that exists virtually with a live metaverse, a community, the cutest dog logo in crypto and a message! Similar to a rainbow that resembles a bridge with various beautiful different colors, Goge exists as a bridge to connect humans across the world through blockchain technology, no matter what color one likes, it exists in the rainbow, much like goge and it’s colors / various unique elements!

Originally Goge was born a memecoin during the rise of memecoins in 2020, specifically those inspired by the trend of Dogecoin family members and rewards (dividends) tokens, BabyDoge, Daddydoge, Mommydoge, Uncledoge and so on (all of which no longer exist apart from one.) We believe that in a lot of families and places across the world, the LGBTQIA+ family member is often left out, and in many cases excommunicated or worse. In a space dominated by “crypto bros” and where everyday new strong communities arise around animated animals, we believe Goge is needed in the space to simply exist and also represent those not represented yet. The web3 community is made up and built by all kinds of people, with all types of unique differences that make humans special.

In a world where homophobia dangerously exists still and change is crucial, we’ve created a new movement for human equality for all, similar to the pride movement but with a different approach. In web3, we can all be friends, we believe Change Begins On Chain!

Goge has stood the testament of time and has made a real community, not just an online group of holders, but a genuine strong virtual community. A place where those with a different experience in life can be friends in a community of people from all over the world, perusing freedom, happiness and equality while campaigning behind a single common love, GOGE.

Our unique project exists as a safe space where all are welcome, and we truly have a diverse community where we learn from each other, help each other where we can, and care about each other. The global LGBTQIA+ community is one of the largest, most diverse and powerful communities in the world, in pop culture, in history, in finance and every field where people exist! We believe all real life communities will utilize blockchain technology and it’s endless potential.

We are a diverse and inclusive team of friends and artists from all over the world, coming from all walks of life, inclusion built into our very nature. Our team is made up of members LGBTQIA+ community and allies, regardless of background- all are supporters of global equality. Each of us brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in our respective fields.

Our world is diverse; we respect all opinions and warmly welcome people from all backgrounds, religions, cultures, genders, and personal preferences. Some LGBTQIA+ team members live in countries where being LGBTQIA+ is a criminal offense and punishable by imprisonment for many years. Still today, in 9 countries, there exists evidence of the death penalty as punishment for those who are LGBTQIA+. Saftey, security and longevity of the project as well as our community are top priorities as still in large portions of the world it’s everyday dangerous and deadly for hundreds of millions if not billions of people to exist freely. GOGE is a social movement and no person should ever overpower or overshadow, neither the movement nor the decentralized technology. With the growth of web3 social media, PFP culture and anonymity being valued over publicity, and rampart prejudice / disconnect in traditional web2 social medias, a global cultural shift is taking place and humans are connected like never before; the possibility for certain freedoms existing is a reality closer like never before.

The hope for our future humanity lies heavily in technology, and truly all good things needs people who care. Our team strongly believes blockchain technology will be used even further in expanding and creating the direct day to day reality and future of human society, these technologies will allow humans and communities to achieve what was never possible before. Despite being anonymous and having crypto alias’, we are honored to also have multiple members of our team followed by CZ Binance on Twitter, he is one of our biggest inspirations and someone who will truly change the world, we want to follow in his footsteps.

Recently at the blockchain week convention in Paris some members of our team got to finally meet CZ in person, even if it was anonymously, it changed everything and was a iconic moment in our history! Our team is international and we are around 24/7, we love our community and project more than time itself!

Goge at Binance Blockchain Week in Paris with CZ Binance!

In addition, currently $GOGE is the largest $CAKE rewards token (PancakeSwap’s native token), in fact since going live Goge has bought and automatically rewarded around 1.5 million in $CAKE in only our first year! We’re the 1st LGBTQ+ Metaverse to exist for ALL people! In only a few months and despite existing during one of the worst economic times in history, we’ve achieved an all time high market cap of 17.7 million dollars, we’ve rewarded our holders over $1.5 million dollars in $CAKE since we’ve gone live, we’ve gifted over 20,000 in prizes and we’ve donated over 10,000$ to multiple different LGBTQ+ charities including Trans Lifeline, Human Rights Campaign and Outright Action International!

Trans Lifeline is a trans-led organization that connects trans people to the community, support, and resources they need to survive and thrive.

Human Rights Campaign is the United State’s largest LGBTQ+ civil rights organization.

OutRight Action International fights for human rights and equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) people everywhere and to eliminate the systemic violence, persecution and discrimination LGBTIQ people face around the world. OutRight conducts vital and original research, advocates with governments at the United Nations and beyond, and supports grassroots LGBTQIA+ activists and organizations in dozens of countries each year. Goge is very proud to be able to donate and support these causes with our international community and to continually support different LGBTQIA+ charities that are heavily underfunded! Goge exists to be a safe space for all, to ensure freedoms of governance of finance, to push for freedom of life and freedom to love worldwide and support those with our common goals.

Goge proudly exists as a LGBTQIA+ project in a world of hatred and violence, being a place all are welcome to be apart and can be wherever there is internet, as well as advocating and bringing awareness to these issues that are everyday costing human lives. Without our community, none of this would be possible, we believe all humans are beautiful and we love all alike, our international family grows larger and stronger everyday and we continue to spread something different and needed in the space and the world, Love!

What we have growing and what we are is something truly special, we are building bridges to change the world!


Soon Goge approaches its 1st official birthday, having been truly solidified in history forever, we have built more and have done more than even the leading projects in our field, in fact we’re one of the only Defi projects with a live and hand built metaverse, Gogeland. Over 8 months our team hand built our custom and massive metaverse for Goge, complete with Goge Town Square including our colossal CZ Binance statue! Some of the features and regions of Gogeland includes: the Capitol city, New Goge City, Crypto Qutie Island, Goge Colosseum, The Goge Coast, Gogeland Theme park, our DAO government building, Goge gardens, the museums district, Goge University, Goge Colosseum the De-financial district, The BSC news building, play and earn events, ultimate trivia, games, treasure hunts with crypto rewards, and so much more, with $GOGE being an official currency! Not to mention the ongoing 1,000$ treasure hunt in our Metaverse.

Sunset view inside Gogeland Metaverse, built by hand!
View inside Gogeland facing West from the Goge Coast.

We believe Defi could be fun, it doesn’t all have to be business or finance and it can be used for more than people imagine. Our metaverse is also an NFT owned by our citizens and held in the treasury wallet! Our metaverse that will be fully multiplayer and cross compatible, play, live, learn and earn $GOGE in Gogeland! The entire NFT world we own is massive, essentially infinite and our imagination is our limits, the possibilities are endless!

Gogeland Metaverse as an NFT owned by GogeDAO.

With GOGELAND, we officially declared ourselves the 1st virtual crypto based micro nation, and 1st Nation with a DAO government, our nation exists virtually and will be fully community driven with our DAO!

Inside Gogeland, facing North East towards the DAO Building.

What is stronger than a community but a country? Community members can officially become $GOGE citizens for life with the worlds first ever NFT passport from Goge / Gogeland! They are 3D animated, designed & created from our amazing art team! One of the many real life utilities we are building for the $GOGE ecosystem! Our passports are even more unique than any ordinary physical passport and will provide citizens with exclusive benefits, special secret surprises, with all the traditional passport uses, holders can also collect them all and add to their NFT collection! In the future we aim to make it possible so one can personalize their passport as well as add stamps and stickers to their $GOGE passport of places visited in the massive metaverse and their favorite NFT collections! We have already airdropped hundreds of our 1st edition NFT passports to holders as gifts.

In the future we believe all forms of identification and official documents will be digital, existing securely and verifiable on the blockchain as NFTs and we wanted to take the title as the first to do so. We are the first project / nation in the world to utilize blockchain technology / NFT passports as official digital identity documents. $GOGE passports are the first digital versions of an official document issued by a government, certifying the holder’s identity and citizenship and entitling them to travel under its protection to and from foreign countries that acknowledge Gogeland as a legitimate nation state!

Goge NFT Passport 1st Edition Preview!

In addition, to give back to our holders and community in a special way and to also encourage competition, we airdropped the top 300 holders 300 different handmade NFTs called Crypto Quties!

All 999 Hand Made Crypto Quties! (Still minting)

The Crypto Quties collection is a sister project to $GOGE and they both share a common interest in spreading love throughout the world and will go hand in hand together benefiting each other more and more throughout time!

We currently exist exclusively on the BNB chain for a multitude of reasons including, personal preference, cheapest fees, fastest speeds, decentralization, security, convenience and the promise of a massive and cross chain ecosystem in the future, we want to be apart of building that. We’ve been around since the early days of Binance Smart Chain, now known as BNB chain! We also believe that in the future, there won’t be any single blockchain that rules as a monopoly/ the only popular chain for NFTs, there will be many and BNB has earned its place and will continue to grow. There are countless things that make it truly special, BNB chain is decentralized yet attached to the greater Binance ecosystem, this makes it extremely promising for the future, as there is already a massive and growing international community, as well as some of the best people in the world on board! We are innovators, we are revolutionaries, we are builders and we are here everyday building nonstop the reality of tomorrow.

We’re here to be a fundamental part of the digital renaissance!

Everything we have created is our own hand written code, the smart contracts and technology are the latest evolution of defi and for the first time in the world, a real truly decentralized autonomous organization, or DAO without humans being central powers or essential to its functionality. We are still finalizing everything for our presale and migration, we are aiming to host our presale and migration/ update as soon as testing is complete, (likely within the next few weeks at the time of writing) Testing all our brand new smart contracts, DAO functionalities and our new web3 DaPP is the final step before we kick off our marketing campaign for the update and migration and presale!

Due to this technology being completely brand new, we are spending as much time as we need to check everything and eliminate any vulnerabilities! Once we are live, the technology will be immortal and fully community owned, so it must be perfect! Our team will share our security audit results once it has been finalized, we are getting our project audited by one of the largest and most popular security protocol projects, we aim at having a perfect 100% audit score!!

Everything we do, everything we plan for, is solely for our amazing community and project’s success; we appreciate all those in our $GOGE family who have been supportive, patient and awesome while we build and build and continue to make history every day!

Our business model and the process through which we generate revenue is not traditional and in our eyes is not related to that of a business as we aren’t a company; we are builders and innovators and believe that building things people use in the future generates value and creating an ecosystem people is not only valuable, but crucial to human advancement.

We are an innovative, experimental, and community-based project, aiming to revolutionize the digital and real world in every way. $GOGE was created to unite humans throughout the universe, ensure freedoms, spread love, fight hate and global inequality, directly changing the world through the power of blockchain technology, all while making crypto truly fun. Goge is the 1st ever Gay Doge family member token, the 1st ever Doge token with dividend yield automatically paid in $CAKE and we aim to seek partnerships in both the offline world and also within the defi community, we want to bridge both worlds.

Goge is a movement that believes a purely peer-to-peer, virtual and blockchain based version of life, currencies and nation states, would allow all living beings on the internet a truly connected and equal world; universal citizenship, basic natural freedoms, electronic economies, borderless cultures, decentralized autonomous community governance, digital identities in a digital society that exists in perpetuity on the network, and without the need for physical means.

The design of our project was specifically created as a dividends token / rewards token to help accelerate growth and generate value, by having another token as our rewards token, holders are encouraged to hold $GOGE and receive passive income as the project and community grow larger! Since Goge has gone live, almost 1.5 million dollars has been automatically bought and rewarded back to $GOGE holders! There isn’t any need to sell $GOGE for gains and hurt the price / market cap, as holders benefit for holding by receiving passive income that they can then use to buy more $GOGE or for any purpose!

Our smart contract has a built-in function that takes 16% taxes on each transaction, using these funds to buy and redistribute $Cake to our holders. 10% of each transaction is used to reward holders in Binance-Pegged $CAKE, PancakeSwap’s native token. Redistribution of rewards is automatic, every 60 minutes (or when the rewards pool has been filled the threshold amount) and is based on the token’s volume as well as respective to the holder’s current token balance. 6% of the tax goes to the buyback fund / marketing / team / liquidity. Of this, 3% is used for our buy back function to balance the dividend sells and 3% percent is used for marketing/ team/ liquidity , to ensure we can continue to grow our community and further develop our project long term. In our upcoming update to a DAO, these % as well as the rewards / dividends token will be changeable at any time and automatically through the DAO process of proposals and votes.

Preview of the GogeDAO Web3 DAPP.

In addition, The limited edition 3D animated passports from GOGE which are not airdropped to holders will only be obtainable by buying and burning $GOGE. All funds will directly benefit the $GOGE token via buying & burning, benefiting the price and volume of $GOGE, while also eliminating more of the supply of $GOGE over time as more and more community members become citizens and obtain passports! Everything we are building in the Goge Ecosystem is to benefit holders by generating value through building, use case and genuine community growth, our metaverse exists as our first virtual lands of the metaverse and place where a true virtual ecosystem can exist!

This past September we released our first Fall / Winter Goge merch collecection, with dozens of different designs and logos for our community to proudly wear and become “walking marketing” for the project! In addition some things we aim to do in the future for our metaverse is to rent out lands in our metaverse to projects, companies, private entities and also feature advertisements and billboards in our metaverse!

Goge F/W Collection for sale now!

As we grow and achieve milestones, everyone receives passive income and benefits, and as we say “LETS GOGE!”

We have truly solidified ourselves in history forever, we have built more and have done more than even the leading projects in our field, in fact we’re one of the only defi projects with a live metaverse, and despite everything we’ve built, we’re the 1st LGBTQ+ metaverse to exist for ALL people!

In only a few months and despite existing during one of the worst economic times in history, we’ve achieved an all time high market cap of 17.7 million dollars, we’ve rewarded our holders over $1.5 million dollars in $CAKE since we’ve gone live, we’ve gifted over 20,000 in prizes and we’ve donated over 10,000$ to multiple different LGBTQ+ charities!

Without our community, none of this is possible, if you are reading this, You are beautiful and we love you, our international family is growing larger and stronger everyday! What we have here is something truly special, and together, if we succeed in our common goals, our lives will never be the same!

Community Art created by Milhouse Milpool @MMilpool

GogeDAO PRESALE INFORMATION: We are excited to share some important details on the pre-sale and will be sharing all the official information on our social channels.

  • 300–350 BNB HC
  • Whitelisted presale
  • Presale Platform: Pinksale
  • 10% bonus tokens in the Presale
  • Special gift for those who participate in the presale

We are very excited to share that we will plan on supplying additional liquidity to have Goge traded on another large exchange! Specifically the exchange is from one of the largest and first web2 companies to get into crypto, with a 100 year old brand name that’s recognized in virtually all 190+ countries in the world! Their exchange is an established brand name in the tech space aiming to lead the way, and we’re happy to be apart! LETS GOGE!! 💞

EVERYDAY we ALL can do small actions to help GOGE, we encourage all to be as active as they can, everything helps! Sharing a post on social media, using our hashtags #GOGE #GOGEDAO #LETSGOGE #GOGELAND #TRUEDAO

Sharing Goge with family, friends and all those who would love us helps us grow. We are a movement and our community is our super power, soon we’ll be the worlds 1st True DAO, and each of us holders will have the same powers and responsibilities, a truly community based, community owned and community operated project. You can make a difference, and we will change the world in every way, consistency is key and the time is OURS! LETS GOGE!! 🌈 LETS GOGE DAO IT!


JOIN OUR TELEGRAM: https://t.me/GogeDAO

MINT YOUR Crypto Qutie NFT: www.CryptoQuties.com

INSTAGRAM: www.Instagram.com/GogeDAO

TWITTER: www.Twitter.com/Goge_DAO

WEBSITE: www.Goge.co

MERCH: https://goge.myspreadshop.co.uk/



$GOGE ⭐️DogeGaySon
$GOGE ⭐️DogeGaySon

Written by $GOGE ⭐️DogeGaySon

$GOGE DAO 🐶🌈THE 1ST GAY TOKEN, FOR ALL PEOPLE! A MEME, A MEANING, A MISSION! 💕A unique multi-utility project! JOIN US❤️🌎 https://t.me/GOGEDAO

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